Babel Babel is out now!

July 15th 2008

Babel Babel has been released today! You can grab v0.9 over in the download section. Make sure to read the included manual on the installation process and how to play the mod.

New Screenshots

April 26th 2008

There's a bunch of new screenshots in the media section showing off the Greek character ingame and the most recent version of the arena.

Babel Babel Development Tutorials

April 24th 2008

Babel Babel is developed entirely with Hammer, because nobody in the development team can program C++. However, you can still come up with some interesting forms of gameplay with this limitation. It especially fuels your creativity when it comes to technical workarounds for features that would otherwise require coding. You can read tutorials documenting the development process of Babel Babel with Valve's Hammer Editor here.

Babel Babel Website Goes Live

April 24th 2008

Welcome to the website of Babel Babel, a Half-Life 2 Deathmatch mod. Please read the About section to learn more about the game.

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